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Tummy Trouble!

Tummy Trouble is a dietary supplement which may help relieve your pet from most cases of vomiting, diarrhea, and gas!
Before treating your pet you may want to look into the obvious cause of the problem. If there are any pesticides on your property or blood in the stools you may want to seek Veterinarian attention. However, there are many other reasons for stomach upset.
What Can Cause Vomiting And Diarrhea?
Dietary Indiscretions – The most common cause of vomiting in dogs and ferrets are dietary indiscretions – the eating of garbage, grass, plant leaves, etc.
Diet Change – Changing your pet’s diet from one brand to another often causes a few days of vomiting and diarrhea. This problem is worse when the diet is changed to a bargain-priced generic chow high in indigestible protein, to rendering plant meal and roughage, but it occurs even when the change is from one name brand to another. One may want to research rendering plants to see what they are feeding their animal.
Eating too Fast – Dogs and ferrets that are not fed frequently enough or feel competition from other pet members may vomit undigested food soon after eating.
Intolerance to Specific Food Items – Pets love to beg at the dinner table. The fact that you seem to relish a food item makes it fair game to your pet. Hot dogs, pastrami, pizza, deviled ham and so on, get wolfed down fast – but often come back up just as fast. No harm is done. These pets are not allergic to these foods. Dogs have an easy vomit reflex and the slightest irritation of the stomach brings these items back up. If you cannot bear to stop feeding table scraps, feed them in smaller portions. Pleasure is in the eating – not in the portion size. Fatty acids and omegas 3 are good for your pets. If when you are at the dinner table try feeding fish (tuna, salmon etc.) or dark green vegetables such as green beans and celery (green beans and carrots are like candy to a dog). PLEASE be very careful when feeding chicken to your pet. 75% of chicken carries bacteria which will make your pet ill (puppies can get very ill with Parvo like symptoms). The entire chicken must be cooked at high temperatures to kill the bacteria. Once the pet is infected the animal is contagious to other animals depending on the type of infection.
Food Allergy – If you suspect food allergy, try eliminating all foods and re-introducing each food one at a time (give at least 2-3 days time between re-introduction starting with your omega 3s, fish).
Car Sickness – Yes, even pets can get carsick.
Overeating - Some dogs over-eat when they are fed once a day. This can result in diarrhea, colic and vomiting. Try feeding dogs and cats with this problem smaller meals three times a day or leave the food where they can munch when they please.
Stress – Some pets vent stress through their intestines. This can take the form of vomiting, refusal to eat, diarrhea or blood in the stool.
Antibiotics And Sulfonamides – Many antibiotics and sulfonamides disrupt the normal helpful bacterial flora in the intestine as well as killing pathogenic (dangerous) bacteria. When the normal bacterial flora of the intestine is destroyed, diarrhea may result. Giving your pet yogurt or bacterial gel pastes, decreasing the antibiotic dose, or changing to a different antibiotic will all help. One may also administer acidophilus.
Other Drugs From The Pharmacy – Many medications that are dispensed to your pet can cause diarrhea. Thyroid medication, NSAID’s drugs such as Rimadyl and aspirin, worming medications, and topical insecticides are only a few of the medications that can cause diarrhea.
Adizone is designed to help with irritable bowel syndrome. Swelling in the intestinal tract can cause diarrhea or constipation. Adizone works well if taken with Tummy Trouble or Parvaid.
What If Tummy Trouble Does Not Help My Pet?
You should see some improvement within 48 hours. If your pet continues to worsen while giving Tummy Trouble we recommend taking your pet to your Veterinarian health care provider for further diagnosis.